You can request and book a taxi with just a click

But how does it work?
Few steps, fast and simple:
- Sign up!
- Enter the Taxi Click area
- Follow the instructions on the screen

What do I need to have?
- A computer
- An Internet connection

- Convenience: request or book a cab using an Internet connection
- Flexibility:
You can choose the type of car that is most suited to your needs, from the presence of P.O.S. to the type of car.
You can choose whether to request a cab or book a ride for the desired date and time.
- Efficiency: You can manage the inserted bookings at any moment and receive an SMS notification before the arrival of the taxi.

And what about the payment?
No advance payment, the payment method is the classic one, at the end of each ride you can choose whether to pay by cash or credit card.

Are you not registered yet? SIGN UP
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