Payment service via SMS
STP - SMS TAXI PAYMENT is an IT solution dedicated to businesses that allows them to manage taxi rides with subscriptions without the use of vouchers.
This solution, expressly developed for 3570, was born to satisfy the requests of numerous businesses that had agreements with us, especially the largest, that need to solve problems concerning the management of taxi vouchers and to better develop, even internationally, agreements to exchange subscribed clients between various radio taxi offices.
The system will allow the client to pay for the ride with a simple text message by the Internet Data Center supervised by 3570. The text message must contain the following: identification code of the city (2 digits), license number of the driver. If the client's payment is approved, the driver will receive on his display the authorization from HQ at the beginning of the ride. At the end of the ride the driver will send on the display the amount that will then be recorded. The client will receive a digital receipt directly on his phone with the identification of the taxi and the cost of the ride, as proof of payment.
Any business with agreements with us has an up-to-date situation on the web of all rides that have been taken, with: date, time of departure, time of arrival with the amount and identification of the taxi in real time. At any moment it will be able to enable/disable or insert new users. It will also be able to define limits to the usage of the service (working days, holidays) for each user. This idea is incredibly useful because it allows companies that are clients of 3570 to keep a close eye on the expenses due and taken by their employees for taxi rides. Basically it is possible to have an automated recording of the rides taken without having to manage the thousands of small paper vouchers that need to be printed, distributed, checked multiple time, one by one, for administrative records. These activities of control are a boring and especially costly job, just think that the expenses to "manage" paper vouchers can amount to 10% of the revenues of affiliated businesses, the overall turnover amounts to millions of euros. This close control also allows the user to limit the wrong usage of ride vouchers besides avoiding waste due to loss, alteration or decay of the vouchers themselves.
Operational and accounting management of "pay as you go" subscriptions Operational and accounting management of "pre-payed" subscriptions Ability to use the service for demonstrations, meetings, marketing initiatives National and international affiliate schemes.
Only a 0.50 Euro fee will be added to each ride, which will include all administrative costs of activation and usage of the STP service. There is no fee for pre-payed subscriptions, but only a 5 Euro contribution for each top up.
The business that wants to participate in the STP network will have to sign a contract with the Radiotaxi cooperative, which will be valid for a year with the possibility of renewing it automatically when it expires. The contact will be able to be cancelled at any moment by each of the two parties.
To get in touch with the appropriate office go to the page Contacts and select the administrative office.